We begin our day in the Root chakra, in the Emotional week of Gemini energy, and being a spiral of masculine energy, where the duality of doing – being is presented, we become sexual energy, and in which the concept of the day is presented: Appearance.
And we ask ourselves: in what we appear and why? Are we transparent and so we consider ourselves? All the time? Or do we use the appearance to get something? What is it? Why do we use it? Do we relate appearing to showing something we want to be? Or that we are not? Why pretend? When we dress up with the best clothes, wear products and jewelry, do we appear or are we ourselves?
Appearance is an image that every human being has incorporated when he sees himself reflected in some surface. We look at ourselves in front of the mirror carefully, many times, to find what we like or dislike about our body. We usually find all the imperfections and try to camouflage them, to take them out of us, in order to be better.

And being better, of course, is a matter of subjectivity. Beauty, the perfection of a body, is determined by what the era defines, the social reference group establishes, and where the majority of beings take it as an absolute truth. We all, at some point, feel dazzled with the possibility of improving our image, to be a being that is looked at and desired, to be an icon for other beings, to be loved and idolized, and where the vortex of being the center of many human beings is a magnet that is difficult to get out of it.
In this network that we form, there are many beings that we glimpse as if they are pretending all the time. And when you appear, it seems that you are putting on an act, that you are not who you really are. Now, appearance also helps us to look better, especially when we don’t feel like we are. Or when we are made to look that way, because there are those who turn out to be toxic and lead us to a place we are not.
Appearance, then, like any other concept, should be taken as a tool to be used in the balance and coherence of our being. Appearance, in an unbalanced way, definitely distorts us, takes us out of the line we should follow according to our essence. It confuses and deceives us. It makes us follow paths that turn out to be mirages and do not lead us to where we should go.

But, other times, when we use it in a balanced way, it makes us be better, it gives us the guideline to have more elements to make us feel good, self-confident, and that help to bring out who we really are. Well, everything beautiful can always be made even more beautiful. Appearance in its right measure is useful, but living by appearance is still a distortion, especially if it surpasses the reality of being, where fantasy surpasses the human we are.
Daily meditation undoubtedly helps us to focus on our center, on our being, accepting ourselves as we are, and helping us to be well with our appearance, being ourselves. Acting in balance and coherence of our being helps us to focus on what we should work on, leaving aside the issues that do not help us to evolve, and avoiding being distorting in our actions. So, when balance is present, appearance is just another weapon for the benefit of our being.

That is why, on this day, we honor the appearance that makes us be better, that helps us to fulfill our purposes here and now, that serves us to perform each purpose established by our essence in the best way, in order to allow us to experience, transcend and integrate that which has been determined to live, and where each concept of life will help us to achieve each purpose in harmony with our body, emotion and spirit.

After the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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