We begin our day in the Crown chakra, in the physical week of Gemini energy, and being the spiral of Divinity, where the dual concept of thinking – feeling appears, we become spiritual energy, in which we work our lights and shadows, to transform ourselves into a product of Mentalism, and through which the concept of the day manifests itself: Ideology.
And on this day we can ask ourselves: do we have an ideology of our own or acquired from others? Why? Having an ideology, what does it represent for us? An identity or belonging to a reference group? Are we ideologues of our own path? Do we follow what others say? Does society guide us? Why? Do I feel I have an ideology or none at all? Why is that?
Human beings have and generate ideas all the time. These ideas can be expressed or shown to the outside, although most of them also remain in the universe of internal thoughts. Many of them are directly eliminated because they are implausible, insignificant, do not contribute anything, or because they are banal. Other times, the ideas generate a series of fundamental bases for our daily actions, and it is the group of these that determine an inner philosophy of how to manage ourselves, from which guidelines we act, and from these actions, achieve the desired results. We can infer, then, that all this leads us to have a specific ideology that identifies us as the being we are, before the society in which we live.

And each being has its own ideology, which is formed along the way. These ideologies are united on the basis of coincidences, to the assembly of nuclei that expand a certain thought to others who listen, and that are evangelizing, as well as help others to find, in their own disorientation and unconsciousness, options that allow them to feel safe, protected, oriented and directed, taking off the responsibility and the weight of the potential error to commit, when things do not turn out as planned.
Just as there are those who focus their anxiety on dominating the thinking of others, there are others who feel an extreme burden in making decisions, and leave it to the leaders they find along the way, leaving in them that responsibility and weight, and following the indications that they proclaim, freeing themselves from any oppression that means making their own decisions.

And in this way, religions and messianic leaders appear, people who express what others cannot, for whatever reason, and who embody the guidelines of that ideology that unite them. Every ideology, as every concept in general, has its way of being used, its positive and negative elements, that help or destroy, that make a being evolve or involute. Everything is in the form, in the preponderance given to it, in the coherent or distorting use, in short, everything depends on the position in which each being finds himself, and the actions he generates in this respect.
Therefore, every being, as a generator of ideas, is the origin of the range of ideologies that are present today, which means that there will always be an ideology that represents each one of us, whether it is unique or shared with others. The point, as we indicated before, is how to use ideology in our actions, and what this represents for our path.

Therefore, every being, as a generator of ideas, is the origin of the range of ideologies that are present today, which means that there will always be an ideology that represents each one of us, whether it is unique or shared with others. The point, as we indicated before, is how to use ideology in our actions, and what this represents for our path.
Here the fact of being able to meditate daily enters in a strong way. We need to be in our center, to be able to determine the ideas that really resonate in us, to build the ideological concept of what we are, how we act, and what we need to experience, transcend and integrate all that we have come to work on our path, and avoid incorporating an ideology that is not our own, but received from outside, and which we do not fully share. We need to be genuine in order to walk our life from the coherence of our being.

And while we cannot escape from an ideology, we can highlight our own, continue the path from what our essence dictates, to bring forth the ideas from within us, to use them as the basis of that ideology that makes us strong, positions us where we should be, from our own perspective, and that will be fundamental for the path to be from the consciousness of our being, from the resonance of our center, in order to fulfill each purpose established in this path, so that the evolution of our spirit is perfect.
That is why, on this day, we honor our ideology, that which we have formed from within, and which prove to be the unavoidable bases of the construction of our path, making us unique and transparent, recognizing ourselves in the matrix as beings with their own perspective, who bring the personal vision of what we are, from our center, and receiving from the outside all the other perspectives that make us expand our ideas, and enrich them, to have the full spectrum of visions that make us experience, transcend and integrate all that we have proposed to experience, in our life path here and now.

At the end of the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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