We begin our day in the Heart chakra, in the physical week of Gemini energy, and being an expanding spiral where the dual concept of serving – keeping appears, we become the energy of the heart, and through which our twin flame is activated, to transform us into a product of rhythm, and from which the concept of the day manifests: Mitosis.
And presenting this concept as the division in another equal to be two identical parts, we ask ourselves: why do we work and perform our actions in exactly the same way? Why do we always act in the same way? What does it represent to us? Security, confidence? Why don’t we change something we do? Are we afraid of it? If we are always modifying things, are we not happy with how we do it? Do we always need to change? Do we never change? Do we want others to do things the way we ask them to do them? We do not allow them to incorporate things of their own? We know more than others and therefore they should be a carbon copy of us? Or conversely, do we need to be a carbon copy of others? Why is that?
In nature, mitosis is present in all evolution of life. The faithful copy of cells so that each part of the body is generated, requires this process for the set of organs that make up a species, and therefore, it is a necessary condition for all life on this planet.

But the process of mitosis we take it to the emotional and spiritual part, and the concept is transformed into everything that is imitated, that is made equal to obtain results equal to those already obtained, and that therefore, brings us security in our path, tranquility in what we do, constancy that gives us the comfort of knowing a result that we foresee will be the one we think.
But just as we imitate actions that were favorable to us in the past, in the same way, we imitate feelings, distorting actions that have not helped us much but that, in the unconsciousness of our being, are presented to us as a consequence of not working on any concept in a pertinent manner. The human being, like every cell, can divide itself to generate new identical ones, but this is not always positive, neither for the body, nor for the emotions nor for the spirit.
Not all cells are productive and good for the body. A defective cell will generate, in the long run, problems in the correct functioning of our organs. In the same way, distorting actions will generate emotional problems, and therefore, situations that are detrimental to our balance, both physical, emotional and mental.

Just as we work on each concept in order to find our balance and coherence, in the case of emotional and spiritual mitosis, we must find the balance of our being, in order to expand our spectrum towards that balance and coherence that defines our essence, so that we can walk our life path harmoniously, at the rhythm of our internal vibration.
Daily meditation helps us to find that center that we have inside our being, to be able to act from balance and coherence, to love unconditionally, both ourselves and our environment, and to recognize that we are a fractal of the whole, in order to develop the mitosis of our whole being towards that center that allows us to work all our way as the essence tells us.
That is why, on this day, we honor the process of mitosis in our body, as well as that of our emotions and our spirit, to expand our being from balance and coherence, in full awareness of the acts we perform, surrendering to the fulfillment of all defined purposes, which we must experience in our life path, to transcend and integrate each one, and join, as a unique perspective we have, to the whole of which we are part.

At the end of the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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