We begin our day in the Sacral chakra, in the physical week of Gemini energy, and being a spiral of feminine energy, where the dual concept of build – destroy arises, we become the energy of creation, by which we are bipolarity, to become a product of polarity, and by which the concept of the day manifests: Networks.
And we can ask ourselves: how do we get along with social networks? What importance do we give to show ourselves in them, and to see what others do? Why? What do we perceive it produces in us? Does showing ourselves give us a prominence that we do not feel we have in our lives? On the contrary? Do we show it because that’s how we feel? Is it just a mirage to show ourselves as we want to be seen? Is it really us? What do we think of those who show everything in their networks? Do we criticize them? What and how do I interact with my environment? Do I feel part of it? Why?
We understand that we are all the time connected in this matrix of which we are part. The energetic flows surround us and permeate us in all forms, as well as everything we generate, furrow the infinite Universe to which we belong in this third dimension here and now.

And it is this connection that chains us at all times to the networks and from which we have no way to evade. The socialization so necessary for the human being, for him to survive in this world that gives him everything he needs to live, but also needs to confront in order to survive, having other human beings with whom to join efforts to be safe, protected, to evolve, and to be successful as a species, makes the connection with others preponderant.
Of course, each being is unique and their perspective and vision of what networks represent in their life path differs greatly. There are those who navigate in an ideal ocean when it comes to networking and socializing. There are those who prefer to avoid exposure, and perceive themselves as invisible in these all-seeing, all-manipulating networks that lead many to unthinkable paths.
Well, moving in these increasingly interconnected networks in cyberspace, where human beings found a faster, visual and unique way to show and communicate without the need to even move from the place where they live, has revolutionized the concept of physical networks, for virtual networks, and from where a whole new interactive universe has been developed, where knowledge is achieved instantly, and where the effort to communicate with others is directly related to pressing a computer key.

And it is these networks that have allowed us to learn much more than we were previously able to learn. Anyone today can receive the information they need to know, with minimal effort. Also, of course, it receives all kinds of distorted information, and this increases the possibility of unbalancing us greatly. The human being has all the good and all the bad of virtual networks at his fingertips, and it is a matter of each person being able to incorporate what he really needs and is good for himself.
The networks were, are and will be surrounding us throughout our lives. It is up to us to give it the place it deserves, to obtain from it everything we need, as well as to discard everything that is useless to us, giving a limit to its interference, and knowing that only each one of us is responsible for what we decide to receive, as well as to give, in our path of life, to the nets that surround us.
Meditating undoubtedly gives us the possibility to find our center, and from there, to be part of these networks in a balanced and coherent way. Working every day from our essence, allows us to recognize the concepts that we must experience, to transcend and integrate all that we have come to experience, using all the tools that we have at our fingertips, and where the networks are part of these tools.

That is why, on this day, we honor the networks that we form, that we belong to and with which we interact, so that we can use what they give us, in a responsible and balanced way, to walk our path from the balance of our being, to act in full coherence and awareness of our actions, and thus be able to expand our life path from unconditional love, experimentation, transcendence and integration of everything defined by our spirit, working in this third dimension, here and now, with the nets as allies of our life path.

At the end of the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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