We begin this day in the Thoroid chakra, in the emotional week of the Taurus energy, and being the origin of eternity, where we are pure well-being, we become the guardian of eternity, and through which appears the concept of the day to work: Art.
And having explained throughout this emotional week, with the different branches of Art, we are now in a position to ask ourselves: what does art represent in general, in us? How do we participate in developing art? On a personal level? At the level of the environment? Does art form an important part of our lives? Yes, no, why? Could we give it more space? Is it only an accompaniment in certain circumstances? What do we feel we can contribute in the artistic branch we like?
Whatever branch of art it is, everything about art makes us expand our being, it helps us to find an anchor of tranquility, harmony, peace within ourselves. It makes us fly, separate us from the hectic life in which we choose to live every day. That is why many consider art as a way of doing nothing, or of not working. In this world oriented to the economic success, to work to get money, although in all the branches of art many human beings have the capacity and the possibility to live well economically, the majority have neither the abilities nor the constancy to be able to live of the art, and, therefore, must realize it as something out of their responsibilities.

And hence the erroneous preconception that focusing on Art is only for a while and no more.
But, after everything written and worked this week, art is a powerful weapon for us to get out of the energy maelstrom in which we are immersed, in the approach to the obligations of the environment, of ourselves, to be part of a group of belonging in which the ephemeral success, money and its amount, obeying certain slogans established by a few, in following a fashion that does not satisfy us, and appearing, above all, something that our essence is not, certainly distorts us and distances us from what we really are.
And it is at this point where art plays a fundamental role for us. By experiencing any branch of art, it takes us out of the focus of this third dimension to immerse us beyond it. The mind flies, stops having worries, or takes out all that we have inside in a very closed way, trapped in us, many times unconsciously, and that cancels us, does not let us move beyond where we are, and keeps us passive in the path that we must perform and for which we have come to work in this third dimension.

And while all experiences are valid, we also have the decision of what to do in our life, how to continue, and what to get involved in to walk the path. The choice is ours, so, working within ourselves, we will understand that everything must be done in the right balance, and this will be determined and we will resonate as soon as we listen to our inner self.
And when we meditate, we find that listening that we usually discard, it allows us to find the center of where we should be, and use the time we have every day to make it a valuable, full and harmonious time. And art does a lot to make this effective.
And in this path, for the Taurine energy that we are transiting and working, we recognize art as a source of creation, of internal expansion and evolution of our being, where each branch is a step more for our own personal development. From there to try to experience each and every one of the branches of art, as a source of creation, from painting, music, poetry, literature, sculpture, dance, architecture and film, not only to learn and create from each perspective, but also to allow us to leave a legacy of what we could capture, and that will be a part of us to our descendants, and to all those who resonate with what we have created, producing a connection that will be recorded in all eternity.

We honor, therefore, on this day, art as a tool of creation and accompaniment in this path of life, to everything that sprouts in us and that we can leave as a legacy of our passage through this life, being ourselves, showing our essence, which will allow others to recognize what we are and resonate with us in the created, allowing us to connect with this matrix of which we are part, and that represents so much in everyone, in our own paths of life, which will have a connection through the Art created.

At the end of the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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