We begin our day in the Plexus chakra, in the emotional week of Gemini energy, and being the spiral of every entity, where we are presented with the duality of connecting – separating, we are transformed into personality energy, and by which the concept of the day arises: Adaptability.
Considering that as part of the human race, which throughout its history has been more than successful in its adaptability on planet Earth, it goes without saying that all of us use this tool more than satisfactorily. But, even so, we can ask ourselves: how adapted do we feel to our environment? Do we consider ourselves successful in this adaptability? Do we feel we are part of the environment? How do we adapt to new situations? Why do we think so? How much does adapting affect us? Do we find it easy or difficult? What happens to us in the face of everything new? What about technology? What about being with new people?
Each being, being unique, has different ways of adapting. At the same time, there is no way for a person to adapt to absolutely everything. There are certain issues that are simple to adapt to for one person, but not for another. Likewise, what the latter adapts easily, the former may have a hard time adapting to the latter. It is not possible to use a unique parameter or to consider the why of adaptation, so each being must find his questions and answer himself how adaptable he is in the generality of things, and then, in each particular case.

And why analyze ourselves before this concept. Well, adapting means being able to solve the problems we face. As it is well appreciated in science, those who do not adapt, usually disappear. Therefore, any non-adaptation on our part, in certain situations, can complicate our path. Then, why fight and resist adaptation if the only thing that will cause us is to add problems to those already present?
And here lies in being able to be in our own balance, understanding that we must always be consistent with what we do and think, and that we are not infallible, so we must adapt to the situations that we face to save the problems, overcome them spending the least amount of energy possible, and still be able to keep our ideas, our purposes, and achieve them as our essence dictates.
With all that we have worked throughout this year, we realize that our balance and coherence are essential to understand when we must adapt to the new situation presented, or when it is not necessary to adapt, because it goes against our harmony. It is not always necessary to adapt. For example, we do not need to adapt to a leader who wants to dominate friendly peoples, and eliminate them, for example.

If we do it out of convenience and not out of conviction, then we are being distorted with our balance and coherence. And there begins to be generated a ball of inconsistencies that will lead us to the precipice rather than to the right path.
Adapting to what our environment says is not always the right thing to do. Therefore, we must listen to our essence, what we are, from the balance of our being. Then, once we understand the listening, we can act and adapt if it is established by our essence, or free ourselves from adaptation if it is not what we must comply with. It is in our being to be established, and in us to fulfill it.
Meditating daily will undoubtedly give us the balance and coherence we need to find the appropriate adaptation to each situation, to understand when this adaptation is essential to continue our evolution or when it is only a way to hinder our path, and therefore, to avoid this assimilation.

That is why, on this day, we honor our way of adapting to the environment, to what we need to evolve, as well as our adaptability to find integration, through transcendence and the experience of all that we have come to experience in this, our path of life, in order to continue the path of our evolution, from the harmony of our being, and fulfilling all the purposes that our essence has determined to achieve the eternal fullness of our being.

At the end of the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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