We begin our day in the Sacral chakra, in the emotional week of Gemini energy, and being a spiral of feminine energy, where the dual concept of building – destroying is presented, we are transformed into the energy of creation, and in which the concept of the day appears: Bipolarity.
And under this concept we ask ourselves: do we perceive ourselves to be beings that have two poles through which energy circulates? Yes, no, why? Do we see it as fantasy and we are nothing more than people of flesh and blood? Energy is not something that generates knowledge? Do we prefer more visible and earthly things to esoteric concepts? Why? Considering we have two poles does not help us at all in our daily life?
As we have already indicated on several occasions, everything is energy flow. Our body is pure energy, and what we ingest, as well as what we eliminate, is also pure energy. So, it is clear to think that we are bodies that have two poles, just as our planet has two poles, and through which circulates the energetic flow that moves throughout the Universe.
And in that flow of energies, we absorb everything from the outside, just as we emanate outwards much of what we generate. So, everything focuses us that we have bipolarity in us. And that bipolarity, represented by the energetic movement in and out of us, almost simultaneously, places us in the ocean of flowing energies.

And these energies sometimes envelop us, generate all kinds of reactions, push us to receive them, transform them, eliminate them, convert them into another type of energy, so there is a range of options of what happens with them within us. When energies get trapped in us, it generates problems that are difficult for us to solve. So, our poles must be working in the right way so that the flow is maintained, not stopped.
In order to be energetically balanced, certainly that movement must circulate harmoniously. Harmony is not perfect within us. Understanding that in addition to our body, there are our emotions and our spirit, we must try that these three pillars coexist together and work as a team. Our trinity of pillars must be in balance, and be focused on the containment of each other, in their unconditionality and willingness to share every step of life that our whole being performs.
And polarity in harmony helps us a lot to be able to walk our path harmoniously. That the energies flow systematically in us accompanies us to be able to do everything we should in continuity and without hindrance. Then, every situation that presents itself to us will generate the necessary circularity to follow its process. Everything can be resolved and experienced according to what our essence has determined for our path.

For our poles to be in harmony we require focus and awareness of our actions. Daily meditation allows us to be in our center, and to work everything from the balance and coherence of our being. That everything flows and nothing gets stuck, makes us able to act on the basis of our coherence and from there to act knowing that the laws of the Universe, and its correspondence, cause and effect, as well as the vibration and rhythm of everything that appears, will be in perfect harmony with our polarity, so that our transit will be marked by everything that our spirit emanates.
That is why, on this day, we honor our positive pole and our negative pole, the bipolarity of these in our toroid, the flow of energies that flow throughout our material body, and that connect to our emotions, and vibrate with our spirit, to produce an accumulation of reactions that will generate all kinds of situations through which we will experience, and from our balance and coherence, we will transcend and integrate to evolve as the spiritual beings that we are, and that we have come to walk our path of life as our essence has established it, here and now, towards the eternal fullness of our being.

At the end of the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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