We begin our day in the Laryngeal chakra, in the physical week of Gemini energy, and being the spiral of sound, where the duality of saying – shutting up is presented, we become the energy of the voice, where our intelligence emerges, to transform us into a product of vibration, and from which the concept of the day arises: verb.
And here we ask ourselves: how do we act? Good, bad? What determines our actions? Is it something positive for us / for others? Is it negative? Do we care about the way we act? Do we not care? Do we understand that every action has a consequence? Do we care to know what they are? How do we feel after the reactions that provoke this action? Do we try to act so that only positive energies emanate? Do we not care what happens? And when we do not act? Do we do it with the intention not to intervene? Or is it a question of not knowing what to do?
The human being is acting all the time. And acting is directly related to the verb. Every verb is the action that represents the word. And we know that we are always doing something. Even when we do nothing, it is something. So, the human being is in itself a verb in every moment.

And from this, in the universe of words that make up the verbs, each of them are manifested by us at some point in our lives. And every action has a reaction and consequence. Thus are produced the links between all the energetic flows that move through the matrix that makes up this third dimension, and connects us, for better or for worse, to all of it.
And the laws of the Universe that so clearly mark the dynamics of these movements, are the fundamental basis that should make us recognize how to be balanced in our actions. When we are coherent, we move in the dynamic coherence of the matrix. When we are unbalanced, in the same way, we move in the imbalances of the matrix. This is so by correspondence, everything comes back to us, and as every cause has its effect, from the generation of our actions, every flow we emanate will come back to us in the same way.
Being the human being intelligent, and having an expansive capacity to incorporate knowledge, how can it be that something so simple is so difficult to maintain? Why do distortions appear in our actions? Emotions, in uncontrolled situations, are usually distorting for what we do. The mind, being absent of all reasoning, does not recognize at the moment of impulse the negative of our actions, and allows us to act in an incoherent way. And when the action is done, there is no turning back.

The human being is a complex machine and as such, so is the complementation of the Trinity body, mind and soul. The body requires to incorporate energy, through it we perceive the pleasures of this third dimension. With emotions, we can feel those pleasures, where our mind interprets them, where that combo represents the power to experience situations where we experience all kinds of things. And in this interaction is where all kinds of actions appear on our part, and this is not always controlled by us.
When we do not control it, we interpret we are being unconscious, because nothing of what happens seems to be recognized, rationalized and interpreted by us. We perceive that we are not taking responsibility for what we do, it seems that it is not us, but another entity doing something inside us, and once it is done, we quickly forget about this action.
With time, what we originally emitted comes back to us, and we do not recognize it as our own, we do not take responsibility for it, and we usually suffer the consequence, sobbing and asking the Universe why this is happening to us. This simple way of evading what we do ends up being conflictive for us, and it happens here that two paths fork: to work on what happens to us and why, or to forget again and do nothing. And the snowball gets bigger.

When we meditate daily, we begin to understand that our being is Word, that it acts all the time, and that we must carry out this action in a coherent and conscious way. When this happens, we become responsible for each action taken, and starting from the basis that we do everything from the essence and center of our being, each action is one that we work on, in order to experience, transcend and integrate everything we should, in this path of life.
And doing it from our center, makes us be in harmony with our environment, with our whole being, and thus allows us to work each purpose as our essence has established it.
That is why, on this day, we honor our actions, us as the Word that we are, to be coherent and balanced in every action generated, as well as to be able to produce from our center, being transparent and honest with ourselves, and bringing unconditional love to everything we do, in order to live in the here and now, being fulfilled, finding in every step the eternal happiness, the All in us, in this miracle of life of which we are part of, in this third dimension.

At the end of the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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