We begin our last day of the Gemini energy, in the Physical week, for this Toroid chakra, and being an eternal spiral, where the duality of being – not being appears, we become the eternal energy, where we are pure communication, to transform ourselves into a product of eternity, and from which the concept of the day is embodied: Transmutation.
And considering the concept as a really important or radical change in us, we can ask ourselves the following questions: do we perceive that we have transmuted in this path? Related to what? Why do we feel this way? What do we think generated this transmutation? Do we think it has been positive for us? Negative? Why? What do we think we should transmute in ourselves? Why? Are we able and do we have the intention to do it? Is our will and strength enough or do we feel we cannot cope with it?
When we talk about transmutation, we refer to a really important change in us, in what we are, in what we reflect outwardly. A radical and palpable change for everyone. This usually occurs, normally, in the face of extreme situations that mobilize us, that leave us a life lesson, that hits us in our daily reality, and that produces a hinge in our whole being.

And this bath of unseen reality makes us focus on working on something that exploded inside us and that we need to unblock, recognize, work on, to understand something that we are not seeing and that has affected us for a long time, without realizing that it was what was blocking our path.
Throughout our existence, we transmute. Since our birth, to which we arrive with a battery of energetic flows that give us the emotional and physical characteristics that we will have along the way, we absorb like a sponge everything that happens around us to form a being that will have to work many concepts defined a priori, and that will represent each step to be made, for the spiritual expansion of the being, in that chosen path.
And all this learning, the experiences that we will live, will make us travel through a sea of emotions and actions that will bring consequences, which we will face, consciously or unconsciously, and that will reflect our capacity, intention and will, to be able to solve any situation presented.

And all along the way, there will be times when we will transmute, because we change all the time, and in many cases, it is not only a change but a powerful transmutation. For example, in our astrological path we see how we start, at the moment of birth, with very specific energies according to the planets aligned in a certain way, and that bring a series of characteristics in us, which mark our first steps in life, and how we transmute those energies to the one that represents our ascendant, with an accumulation of characteristics that modify us towards that preponderant energy that will characterize the final part of our path here and now.
These tools that we have to work on our path will help to define what to transmute to expand our emotional and spiritual being in the path of life that we are living. And it will depend on us to deepen or not that transmutation.

We will always have at our fingertips the battery of elements available to use when we need them. It will depend on the breadth of personal vision, the intention and will to do so, the work along the way to recognize ourselves as the unique beings that we are, to see the environment as a true reflection of what we emanate, to recognize ourselves as beings who are learning to expand our being, experiencing in this third dimension, and that the mere fact of being here doing it is a miracle that only a few can enjoy, despite feeling that there are many who are passing through this one.
But here it is worth knowing how much importance we give to this learning, how much we value this miracle and how much we honor our ancestors, those who are by our side walking our path, and what value we give to everything that happens to us, we learn, experience, transcend, integrate, and contribute in unconditional love, to enjoy every step, in the full essence of our being.

Daily meditation gives us the strength, the intention and strengthens our will to walk this path, in order to expand our spiritual being, to work all that we must experience, to increase our unconditional love, to accept and recognize ourselves as we are in order to transmute what we consider we have to, in order to make this path what our essence has established, and by which, working from our center, in balance and coherence of our being, such transmutation will lead us in the direction defined by our spirit.
That is why, on this day, we honor all transmutation in us, necessary to learn from each concept that we have defined to come to work on this, our path of life, and that will help us greatly to expand our being, both physically, emotionally and spiritually, finding the harmony and vibration to which our essence is, and thus walk our path from the fullness, with unconditional love, and in which happiness is present in every moment, enjoying every step of our way, towards eternity.

At the end of the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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