We begin our day in the Plexus chakra, in the physical week of Taurus energy, and being the origin of every entity, where we see the strengths in us, we become the guardian of the being, where the literature of our life emerges, to become a channel between beings, and in which the concept of the day manifests: Digestive.
And on this day we ask ourselves; how do we digest food? Do we digest everything well or are there some that do not? Which are they? What do we do about them? Do we avoid them or do we continue to ingest them? Which foods do we like and which we don’t? Those foods that we always want to eat, are they usually good for us? How aware are we of the damage that some of the foods we like do to our body? Do we have discipline in eating? What about our weight? Is it in balance, overweight, underweight?
And in this case, when we talk about the digestive system, related to the Plexus, we will also relate it to what we like or dislike. Well, when we relate to people, there is a series of exchange of energy flows that we emanate and receive, and our plexus turns out to be a sponge that absorbs energies that activate us as well as energies that attack us.

And just as we must feed ourselves correctly so that our digestive system has the capacity to transform each food into nutrients and separate what is energetic for us, and discard everything that is not useful, we also obtain energy flows through space, which we must separate those that really serve us and those that we must reject so that they do not harm us.
Throughout our life path, it is necessary to have the will and intention to ingest what is necessary and sufficient to nourish us, and leave the excesses aside, as well as to capture everything that resonates with us, and shield us from the dense and negative energies that tend to consume us and unbalance us.
We have the way to know if we are balanced in our nutrition when we see ourselves in the mirror, when we weigh ourselves and know if our weight is in accordance with our height and physical build, our countenance, the energy we can spend and the state in which we are when we eliminate a great part of it, in specific situations.
Likewise, we can perceive when we are energetically balanced, and if we need to incorporate or shield ourselves from energies that do not serve us, when we meditate every day and recognize the vibrational state in which we are, in the physical and mental fatigue, in how our emotions flow, and if our impulses disharmonize us or not.

When we meditate, we move towards the peace and tranquility of our inner self, to travel through the sea of tranquility, to unload our stress and to free ourselves from all the pressure that usually blocks us and tensions every part of our body. This process helps us to deactivate the density of our being and activate the body energies to shield us from everything that wears us out. It allows us to recognize what to incorporate and what to eliminate, who to be with to nourish ourselves with subtle energies, and to stay in control, discipline and the intention to act in balance and coherence, all the time.
And with this harmony of body, mind and soul, we will know what is good for us, what foods to eat, what people to be with, what to eliminate or leave aside in our life, and where to go and how, to achieve each purpose established by our essence.
That is why, on this day, we honor our digestive system, each grafted food, each energy received, the balance of our being, the daily meditation to achieve that balance, and to live in awareness of everything we need to feed ourselves in a healthy, correct, balanced and conscious way, and discard everything we do not need, so that it ceases to be a burden on our path of life.

After the exercise, I invite everyone to perform the meditation of the day.

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